Monday, March 30, 2015

Application case: Tracking Citywide Performance

Tracking Citywide Performance

Massive systems produce massive amounts of metrics. The challenge is to determine how to slice the data in ways that benefit users rather than confuse them, especially when the users have a wide variety of experiences with information technologies. This was one of the major issues facing New York City when it decided to develop its Citywide Performance Reporting (CPR) Online System, an interactive dashboard providing agencies and citizens with "user-friendly access to the most critical performance indicators for every city agency, with monthly updates and automatic evaluation of trends within specified program areas."

Development of CPR

CPR is part of NYCStat ( NYCStat is New York City's one-stop-shop for all essential data, reports, and statistics related to city services. NYCStat provides access to a wide variety of performance-related information, including citywide and agency-specific information, 311-related data, and interactive mapping features for selected performance data and quality-of-life indicators. 
CPR was launched in February 2008. Initial plans for CPR were developed by the Mayor;s Office of Operations in concert with the Department of Information Technology and Communications (DoITT) in mid-2005 (NYCStat, 2009). The project had three components:
  • Performance management application. A backend computer system providing a single point of access for agencies to input data.
  • Analytics tool/dashboard. The frontend system to provide standardized reporting format with drill-down capabilities, performance summaries, and trend graphics.
  • Data definition. Review and identification of the topics measures and critical indicators to be included in the CPR system for 44 mayorial agencies.

Development of these components continued through July 2007. At this time, the system was opened to the 44 agencies and mayor's office for review. At the end of the summer, Mayor Bloomberg directed that the system be made available to the public through the city's Web site as soon as possible. Subsequent work on the system focused on making the dashboard as easy and flexible as possible for public use. The system was finally opened on February 14, 2008, as part of the release of the Preliminary Fiscal 2008 Mayor's Management Report.

Refining Metrics

CPR is an offshoot of the Mayor's Management Report (MMR), an annual evaluation of the city's agencies that measures 1000 performance indicators, including everything from grade school test scores to the time it takes to fix a pothole. Rather than simply providing an online version of the MMR, the CPR required the agencies to take a fresh look at the services they were delivering and how best to measure the outcomes of those services. Initially, this resulted in thousands of measures, many of which did not exist at the time. Eventually, the list of initial measures was reduced to 525 critical measures. The majority of these measures represent final outcomes of services that directly impact the city's residents. This is why the decision was made to open up the system to the public.

In addition to refining the measures, other key decisions had to be made. Because data was available by month, year-to-date, and full year, choices had to be made about how best slice and dice the data and make comparisons across the variious periods. Decisions also had to be made on how to measure and present targets--designating the desired direction of each measure and tresholds for good and bad performance. Finally, because the total number of measures and agencies was so large and none of the public was likely to be familiar with each of the individual agencies, the presentation and navigation needed to be simplified. The developers decided to categorize the measures into eight citywide "themes" that captured the way that the city goverment serves the people who work and live in New York City. The themes included: city-wide administration, community services, economic development and business affairs, infrastucture, education, legal affairs, public safety, and social services.

Impact of CPR

From the viewpoint of mayor's office, CPR improves performance management in three ways--accountability, transperency, and accessibility. It does this by providing the following capabilities (NYCStat, 2009):
  • Tracks performance for the most important "outcome" measures that directly reflect how the lives of the public are affected by city goverment.
  • Measures performance by comparing current data to prior data for the year before, thereby holding agencies accountable for year-over-year improvements.
  • Highlights agency performance through graphs and color coding, making positive or negative performance trends immediately obvious.
  • Drill-down capability, allowing users to review comparative trends over a 5-year period.
  • Aggregates important measures into citywide themes, which cut across agency silos and disciplines to reveal the overall picture about city government performance.
  • Updates each measure monthly, quarterly, or annually so that the most recent data is always available.
  • Offers the ability to download data in a variety of formats for more detailed review and analysis.
  • Provides detailed information about each measure, including an explanation of what the measure means, its reporting frequency, and other useful details.

In March 2009,the CPR system was recognized by the Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the JFK School of Government at Harvard University as one of the Top 50 Government Innovations for the year (New York Non-Profit Press, 2009)

Lesson Learned

According to Sarlin, "It is interesting to see how government agencies at all levels are implementing best practices to be more run like a business." In the case of New York City's Mayor's Office of Operations you might expect this, because Mayor Bloomberg comes from the world of business, more specifically, the world of real-time financial information (see However, other government agencies have announced online dashboards even though they have virtually no connection with business. For instance, the new U.S. CIO Vivek Kundra recently announced the U.S. Federal IT Dashboard, which provides public access to data reported to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), including general information on over 7000 federal IT investments and detailed data for nearly 800 of these investments classified as "major". Mr. Kundra has spent his entire career in government positions.

These efforts suggest that business may be able to learn quite a bit from these initiatives. 

These government dashboard initiatives demonstrate the following (Buytendijk, 2008):
  • Transparency makes a difference. These initiatives provide widespread, public access to large collections of performance data. Many businesses could learn from the depth and breadth of the information these agencies are sharing.
  • Importance of collaboration. Many BI projects suffer from silo approach, with different departments doing their own dashboards or scorecards. Each department may realize a short-term ROI. However, the combination will be suboptimal and is not likely to lead to an overall ROI. Both the CPR dashboard and the federal IT dashboard show that it is possible to create an organization-wide initiative spanning multiple domains.
  • Continuous improvement. CPR is based on trends, not targets. This means that the performance indicators are aimed at continuous improvement instead of static goals. It sets a good example for how an operational or tactical dashboard should look.


Question for the case:
  1. If you were a mayor of a city in Indonesia, what would you do after you get the lesson learnt from the case above?


  1. name: Ade Friana
    NIM: 1701324123

    If I become mayor, as an example I became mayor of Tangerang. by looking at the case of New York City and termanajeminasi be controlled well. therefore with it I will use this CPR system for use in Tangerang city, with a variety of considerations as with many having the advantage to promote the city, to evaluate all the activities, and to know all the problems that occur in the city with this CPR system

  2. Nama : Michael Surya Wijaya
    NIM : 1701323631

    I was a mayor, I will apply the Citywide Performance Reporting (CPR) as has been done in the city of new york. this is done to promote the city of West Jakarta. This system will make it easier to control the entire region, and also improve management performance in three ways - accountability, transperency, and accessibility. after CPR walk west jakarta city certainly will be developed city from all sides.

  3. Cantika Erla Permata 1701333475

    What's your response if the system exists in the Government of indonesia CPR?
    My opinion,iIf the CPR system in indonesia seems to me nice and makes it easy to know and check out their performance results conducted by the pemerintaj's for save society because these systems can monitor, view, access data, reports and stastik connected with the city by the public to monitor the performance of the city for the benefit of the public. because of these online system can track performance to measure performance results the Government, could the city measures by reviewing previous data for the previous year with a period of 5 years, data up to date and can be mengujur and the target shows to the preferred direction of each size and tresholds for good and bad performance. CPR is a good example to the example of Government in indonesia with the trend-based CPR is not a static goal, in this way the performance of the Government would be known by the community and find out the performance-performance results to communities and Governments in the analysis of the results of that data.

    1. Name: Cantika Erla Permata
      NIM: 1701333475
      i was major, i will applied this system in west jakarta, with using CPR can to control tracking, monitor government performance and improve management more transperency between goverment with the public at large and will be spread to the rest of jakarta

  4. Name : Dickson Leo
    NIM : 1701332106

    if i was a mayor of Jakarta
    ill make a good CRP, with a good performance and easy to monitor, vew and acces data report of jakarta City, i'll not Hard to control the city

  5. nama :erik dharmawan
    Nim: 1701335865

    If I become mayor bogor.saya will use the CRP, because using the crp will be easier to monitor perkemangan from all aspects, and also transparent, easy to find information in a city,

  6. Nama : Rani Septiani
    NIM : 1701372835

    f I become mayor, of course, would create a good performance so that all citizens of that city into a peaceful citizen. access to information and reports on the renewal of activity in the city.

  7. Nama : Fandi
    NIM :1701369216

    If I become mayor south jakarta, I will use the CPR by taking the example of New York City, because CPR can improve the management so I can fix the budget aspect will be more transparent and can allocate budgets to cost more aspects in need by city I lead

  8. Nama:Susanto
    NIM :1701337832

    if i become mayor of jakarta, i will implement the CPR system to jakarta
    i will monitor it and review it the report if got improvement in jakarta's performance i will continue to implement and develop the CPR system.

  9. Andi Massora

    CPR system is one of the great system to be implemented in government. If I become a mayor of a town I will use this system because this system is very useful to see the development of all aspects of that is in the government.
    CPR has three components which are very helpful for the development of the city.
    Performance management application. A backend computer system providing a single point of access for agencies to input data.
    Analytics tools / dashboard. The frontend system to provide standardized reporting format with drill-down capabilities, performance summaries, and trend graphics.
    Data definition. Review and identification of the topics of critical measures and indicators to be included in the CPR system for 44 mayorial agencies.
    By using some of these will be easy to control all things that exist in government. From all areas of government will be easy to interact resulting in the alignment between one field to another.

  10. Nama EGO
    Nim : 1701357746

    If I become mayor in the Pacific Islands, I would implement the system that provides access to a variety of information related to the performance, including the entire city and the information-specific institutions. CPR improve management performance in three ways - accountability, transperency, and accessibility.
    This system helps improve its performance every year.
    but not all organizations want his data in the input into the system.
    and does not rule out the possibility that they could enter false data.

  11. If I was a mayor in Semarang, I wish my city goverment can implement CPR. Learn from NYC,I can know the performance of the work by the government that I lead. From these indicators I can evaluate all the work I have. From the results of these evaluations, I can find deficiencies and I must fix it. If everything is coordinated correctly, then my people will prosper as I expected

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


    if i was a mayor of jakarta. I would implement the syatem that can monitor, view, access data, report and make easier the system and makes it easy to search for information and than i will not to hard control city

  14. Name: Gracia L. Ariesta
    NIM: 1701337113

    If I become a mayor of Tangerang, I will implement the CPR system based on what has been implemented on NYC last 2008, and of course, I'll add new features that will make the citizens on my town easier when accessing information in it, especially on its user-friendliness. But, I will assure that the ease of access doesn't affect with the data integrity. This will also be good when being implemented as a data center, applying the new management system by replacing the old, manual system that is currently being used. This will result a data that is more reliable and up-to-date, and an increase in city management performance. Also, by implementing this system, I can promote this city to much broader area, making this city the most advanced city in Indonesia.
