Characteristics and capabilities of a DSS
1. A DSS provides support for decision makers at all management levels, whether individuals or groups, mainly in semi-structured and unstructured situations, by bringing together human judgement and objective information.
2. DSS supports several interdependent and/or sequential decisions.
3. DSS supports all phases of the decision-making process-intelligence, design, choice, and implementation-as well as a variety of decision making processes and styles.
4. A DSS is adaptable by the user over time to deal with changing conditions.
5. A DSS is easy to construct and use in many cases.
6. A DSS promotes learning, which leads to new demands and refinement of the current application, which leads to additional learning, and so forth.
7. A DSS usually utilizes quantitative models (standard and/or custom made).
8. Advanced DSSs are equipped with a knowledge management component that allows the efficient and effective solution of very complex problems.
9. A DSS can be disseminated for use via the web.
10. A DSS allows the easy execution of sensitivity analyses.
Characteristics & capabilities that can be added to your points:
ReplyDeleteDSS are generally built to solve a specific problem and include their own database(s)
BI applications focus on reporting and identifying problems by scanning data stored in data warehouses
Both systems generally include analytical tools (BI called business analytics systems)
Although some may run locally as a spreadsheet, both DSS and BI uses Web
Business analytics implies the use of models and data to improve an organization's performance and/or competitive posture
Web analytics implies using business analytics on real-time Web information to assist in decision making; often related to e-Commerce
Predictive analytics describes the business analytics method of forecasting problems and opportunities rather than simply reporting them as they occur