Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Administration and Security of Data Warehouse

1. Steps to ensure the security of data warehouse

  • Isolate sensitive databases: maintain an accurate inventory of all databases deployed across the enterprise and identify all sensitive data residing on those databases.
  • Eliminate vulnerabilities: continually assess, identify and re-mediate vulnerabilities that expose the database.
  • Enforce least privileges: identify user entitlements and enforce user access controls and privileges to limit access to only the minimum data required for employees to do their jobs.
  • Monitor for deviations: implement appropriate policies and monitor any vulnerabilities that cannot be re-mediated for any and all activity the deviates from authorized activity.
  • Respond to suspicious behavior: alert and respond to any abnormal or suspicious behavior in real time to minimize risk of attack.

2. Skills should DWA possess

A true data warehouse architect (DWA) must be skilled in the multiple disciplines of data warehousing such as data access, ETL and data management. Ideally, the data warehouse architect is able to back fill, or be a non-prime resource, in any of the other data warehouse positions should it be necessary. However, the most important role of the data warehouse architect is overall architecture. From a technical skills perspective, this means knowledge of the various architectures and methodologies including all of the many nuances like metadata, performance management, data quality, schema development, mart vs. data warehouse issues  and a host of others.

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