Classifications of DSS are:
1. File Drawer Systems : This is a system which provide the user with organized information regarding specific demands. This system provides on-line information. This is very useful system for decision making.
2. Data Analysis Systems: These decision systems are based on comparative analysis and makes use of a formula. The cash flow analysis, inventory analysis and personnel inventory systems are examples of the analysis systems. This use of simple data processing tools and business rules are required to develop that system.
3. Information Analysis System: In this system the data is analyzed and the information reports are generated. The decision makers use these reports for assessment of the situation for decision-making. The sales analysis, accounts receivables system, market research analysis are examples of such systems
4. Accounting Systems: These systems are not necessarily required for decision making but they are desirable to keep track of the major aspects of the business. These systems account items such as cash, inventory, and personnel and so on.
5. Model Based Systems: These systems are simulation models or optimization models for decision making. It provides guidelines for operation or management. The product decision mix decisions, material mix, job scheduling rules are the examples. It is the most important type of DSS.
6. Solver Oriented DSS: It is performing certain computations for solving a particular type of problem. The solver could be economic order quantity procedure for calculating an optimal ordering quantity.
7. Suggestion System: There are used for operational purposes. They give suggestion to the management for a particular problem. This model helps in making decisions.
8. Compound DSS: It is a system that includes two or more of the above five basic structures explained above. It can be built by using a set of independent DSS, each specializing in one area.
9. Text oriented DSS: A Text oriented DSS supports a decision maker by electronically keeping trade of textual represented information that have a bearing on decision. It allows documents to be electronically created, revised and viewed as needed. The information technologies such as documents emerging, hypertext and intelligent agents can be incorporated into this type.
Modern Classifications of DSS:
1. Model Driven DSS is a DSS that uses a model (quantitative) based on heuristics, optimization, simulation etc. for deriving solutions to problems. It has access to the models and has flexibility of changing the parameters of the model. Real data or transactional data from databases of TPS is then passed through the model to arrive at the solution. The system is capable of producing different scenarios.
2. Data Driven DSS is a DSS that gives access to time-series internal data. Data ware houses that have tools that provide facility to manipulate such data are examples of advances systems. Executive Information Systems are examples of data-driven DSS.
3. Communications-driven DSS is a DSS that uses network and communications technologies to support decision-relevant collaboration and communication. In such systems, communication technologies are the most important component.
4. Document-driven DSS is a DSS that uses computer storage and processing to provide document retrieval and analysis.
5. Knowledge-driven DSS is a DSS that collects and stores 'expertise' so that it can be used for decision-making when required.
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