Saturday, October 4, 2014

Why Organizations Need Apply Decision Support Systems / Business Intelligence?

Well from my opinion, why some company / organization need DSS and BI? it's because when we start a business and using manual process, like still write the sales report, purchasing report, and others that manually work. It make our business process not efficiency and accurate. But if we use DSS/BI system we can:
  • Speed up the process of decision making
  • Increase organizational control
  • Speed up problem solving in an organization
  • Help automate managerial processes
  • Improve personal efficiency
  • Eliminate value chain activities
And the most important thing is the entire decision-making process, from problem recognition to action, has become so accelerated it is simply impossible to rely on human response alone. That's why you need Business Intelligence to help you react and adapt to the constantly changing business environment.

1 comment:

  1. Well, The best thing is that it is based on your own opinion and it is a great opinion and 100% correct. Moreover, I will add some points on your answers.

    The main reason is that companies in todays environment are under pressures.

    The examples of pressures among other things are:
    1. Globalization. Globalization allows consumers to get products or services with the best price, best quality, best services from any sources in the world. It means that companies are facing very tight and tough competition.
    2. Ever-increasing and tough competitive market. Market becomes more and more competitive because of globalization aforementioned above and also caused by the rapidly growing technology.
    3. Changing market. So is technology, market is always changing rapidly because consumers have better bargaining position in the sense of their demands; they become very choosy about their preferences.
    4. Goverment regulation. Goverment regulation is also often changing anytime depending on the environment such politics, social, external, and internal situasion. Companies must adapt to these changes.
    5. External factor such as currency exchange.

    There are many other examples of pressures faced by companies in todays environment. However, there are also many hidden opportunities behind those pressures. What companies must do today are 1) escape from those pressures, 2) find new opportunities.

    To do the two responses simultaneously and rapidly companies must be agile and adopt DSS/BI methods.
